Brief description of the country selectedBrief description of the country selected

Brief description of the country selected


I selected Canada, because the core responsibility of the Government of Canada, is to promote safety and security of Canada and Canadians, disruptions and or other threats or emergencies, because they all have the capacity to endanger life, personal health, safety, property, and delivery services to Canadians (Canada, 2015). Like us here in America, Canadians have adopted an all-hazards approach to emergency management, that encompasses interdependent and integrated functions, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery (Canada, 2015).


Canadas mission statement declares on authority of the federal government, institutions senior management, and members of the planning team, to develop and issue a mission statement, defining the purpose of the plan, that indicates how it will involve the entire organization, defining authority and structure of the planning group (Canada, 2015).


Cultural factors in the country I selected


One cultural factor Canada might contribute that increases risks associated with a disaster, would be the cross-cultural roundtable on security, it was created by the Canadian government with the purpose of engaging Canadians alongside with their local governments in a long-term dialogue, on matters related to national security (Canada, 2015).The goal was to bring together citizens who are community leaders, that have extensive experience in social and cultural matters, to help with emerging developments in national security, or matters that could impact Canada’s diverse and pluralistic society (Canada, 2015).


The members of the Cross-Cultural Roundtable on Security group, provides advice and perspectives to the Minister of Public Safety, and the Minister of Justice, on matters of national security, because there is no greater role or obligation for a government then protecting and securing its citizens from disasters (Canada, 2015). All Canadians know, they live in an increasingly interconnected, dangerous and complex world, with an increase in terrorist acts, rapid, globalized spread of infectious diseases, and challenges to their society, it is critical to their quality of life to understand this new reality (Canada, 2015).


How I integrate information for Canada


How I might integrate information into a mitigation and preparedness system for Canada. Canadians, unlike some Americans, know the threat to security and public safety exist worldwide, and realize that securing an open society; their National Security Policy must be a strategic framework consisting of an action plan designed to ensure Canada’s preparedness and response to current and future threats (Canada, 2015). I would focus on events and circumstances that would require our national response, be prepared beyond the capacity of individuals, communities or provinces, by implementing an integrated approach to security issues across government interagency organizations (Canada, 2015).


Being an American, I know firsthand the realization of a divided government, and its people. I would employ a model so emergency responders can adapt to changing circumstances over time, crafted to balance the needs for national security with protecting Canada’s citizens, values, and respect for civil liberties (Canada, 2015). My National Security Policy should focus on three core interests, Protecting Canada and Canadians at home and abroad, to ensure Canada and her allies are free from threats, and provide stakeholders with information about contributing to international security measures (Canada, 2015).


It should contain several measures that would help Canada build a more integrated security system, comprised of goals, that are consistent with their national security policy, I would establish an integrated threat assessment center, that would ensure all threat-related information is brought together in a timely manner to all who need it (Canada, 2015). My National Security Advisory Council would be comprised of security experts external to government, someone from the Cross-Cultural Roundtable on Security, and the Department of Public Safety composed of members of Canada’s ethno-cultural and religious communities, would be responsible for testing and auditing federal departments, and provide key security responsibilities and activities (Canada, 2015).




Canada, G. o. (2015, December 1). Public Safety Canada. Retrieved from


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