Determining the Earthquake Epicenter

Earthquake Activity: San Francisco Area


Complete the activity on this website. Then enter your responses directly in this document and submit it for grading.

Determining the Earthquake Epicenter


Below is a map of the region for the simulated earthquake.


Map of Northern California



Measuring the S-P interval

Use the three seismograms to estimate the S-P time interval for each of the recording stations. Record your measurement for the S-P interval below:

Eureka, CA Seismic Station S-P Interval   seconds
Elko, NV Seismic Station S-P Interval   seconds
Las Vegas, NV Seismic Station S-P Interval   seconds



Determining Distance from S-P

Using the S-P graph and the estimates you made for the S-P time intervals for the three seismograms, complete the table below. The horizontal grid is in one second intervals.


Station S-P Interval Epicentral Distance
Eureka, CA   seconds   KM
Elko, NV   seconds   KM
Las Vegas, NV   seconds   KM




Compute Your % Error

For each of the stations, compute your % error for the S-P Interval and Epicentral Distance. The formula for % Error is:




  Your Data Actual Data % Error
Recording Station S-P Interval Epicentral Distance S-P Interval Epicentral Distance S-P Interval Epicentral Distance
Eureka, CA sec km sec km    
Elko, NV sec km sec km    
Las Vegas, NV sec km sec km    




Richter Magnitude

Measure the maximum amplitude of the S-wave for each seismogram and record your estimate in the box below the seismogram. Note that although only one amplitude measurement is necessary, you should measure the amplitude for each of the three stations. This will enable you to determine the magnitude value as an average of three values, thus increasing the likelihood that you are accurate in your estimate.

Eureka, CA Maximum S Wave Amplitude  
Elko, NV Maximum S Wave Amplitude  
Las Vegas, NV Maximum S Wave Amplitude  


Estimated Magnitude Actual Magnitude



Earthquake Activity:

San Francisco





Complete the activity on

this website

. Then enter your responses directly in this document and submit


for grading.





he Earthquake Epicenter



Below is a map of the region for the simulated earthquake.






Measuring the S

P interval


Use the three seismograms to estimate the S

P time interval for each of the recording stations. Record

your measurement for

the S

P interval below:


Eureka, CA Seismic Station S

P Interval





Elko, NV Seismic Station S

P Interval





Las Vegas, NV Seismic Station S

P Interval








Earthquake Activity: San Francisco Area


Complete the activity on this website. Then enter your responses directly in this document and submit it

for grading.


Determining the Earthquake Epicenter


Below is a map of the region for the simulated earthquake.





Measuring the S-P interval

Use the three seismograms to estimate the S-P time interval for each of the recording stations. Record

your measurement for the S-P interval below:

Eureka, CA Seismic Station S-P Interval seconds

Elko, NV Seismic Station S-P Interval seconds

Las Vegas, NV Seismic Station S-P Interval seconds


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