How do violent video games affect children?

  1. read the 6 attached articles, which they are all about (violent video games, children, parents, and government).

    then write a 7 pages research. a research that has both explaination and arguments. MLA format. put some quotes from the 6 attached sources. remeber do not bring quotes from other sources, use only the 6 attached articles.

    – Here are some points and hints that i need the research to look like:

    Q:how violent video games effect children?

    A: when they get addicted; it changs their behavior and effect them morally.

    Q:what violent video games lead children to?

    A: it leads children to aggression, and that aggression lead to crimes.

    Q:how and why parents are responsible on this issue? how the government can also be a part of it?

    A: parents and the government can prevent this issue; because parents can control their child, and the governmnet has the power to prevent these games from sale.

    For Phillis Young

    Review your reading about the writing situation, and write a 100-200 word essay-style response. Consider the following questions as a guide for constructing your response: What part of assessing the writing situation, finding your subject, defining your purpose, or considering your audience most stood out to you, and why? How do you think understanding the writing situation will help you in your writing for this course and beyond? Do you always consider all of these elements before writing? Why, or why not? How will this reading change how you approach assignments, if at all? How would you explain the writing situation and its importance to a fellow CSU student?

    Your essay will also be graded on its development and completeness. Be sure that you revise and proofread your response. If you use outside sources, including your textbooks, you need to use quotation marks for lifted language, as well as in-text and reference list citations. If your essay is less than 100 words, you will not receive full credit.


    ***please use very simple words*** and *** Do Not add other sources*** ***use only the attached 6 sources***


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