What is the true benefit of using an array?

aturday, 28 September 2013, 09:29 AM
Completed on Sunday, 29 September 2013, 01:57 PM
Time taken 1 day 4 hours
Marks 27/70
Grade 38.57 out of a maximum of 100 (39%)
Question 1

Marks: 1 dont do this to me like bruce wayne did he a bad one
Structures can be stacked or connected to one another at their ____.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 2

Marks: 1
As a general rule, an eof question should always come immediately after an input statement because the end-of-file condition will be detected at input.
Correct Incorrect
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 3

Marks: 1
From the 1950s, when businesses began to use computers to help them perform many jobs, through the 1970s, almost all interactive dialogues between people and computers took place at the ____.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 4

Marks: 1
____ refers to how the internal statements of a method serve to accomplish the method’s purpose.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 5

Marks: 1
____ involves combining two or more files while maintaining the sequential order.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 6

Marks: 1
All methods require a this reference.
Incorrect Correct
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 7

Marks: 1
An array is a/an ____ of values in computer memory.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 8

Marks: 1
The most common way to declare a destructor explicitly is to use an identifier that consists of ____.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 9

Marks: 1
The following pseudocode is an example of a/an ____ structure.
get number
while number is positive
add to sum
get number
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 10

Marks: 1
The do loop is a variation of the ____ loop.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 11

Marks: 1
An array whose elements you can access using a single subscript is a/an ____ array.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 12

Marks: 1
The keyword that is NOT included in a single-alternative selection is ____.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 13

Marks: 1
Arrays, unlike simple built-in types, are ____.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 14

Marks: 1
When you ____ records, you store a list of key fields paired with the storage address for the corresponding data record.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 15

Marks: 1
A ____ allows users to interact with a program in a graphical environment.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 16

Marks: 1
____ errors are relatively easy to locate and correct because the compiler or interpreter you use highlights every error.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 17

Marks: 9
Match each item with a statement below.
A decision “inside of” another decision
Used when you must nest a series of decisions about a single variable
Using this operator, each Boolean expression must be true in order for the entire expression to be evaluated as true
if-then-else structure
An expression whose value can be only true or false
When this operator is used, only one of the listed conditions must be met for the resulting action to take place
Part of a decision that executes only when the tested condition in the decision is false
Path that can never be traveled
Will always evaluate to the same result
Partially correct
Marks for this submission: 3/9.
Question 18

Marks: 1
Providing array values is sometimes called ____.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 19

Marks: 1
In every popular computer coding scheme, “A” is numerically one greater than “B.”
Incorrect Correct
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 20

Marks: 1
A calling method sends a/an ____ to a called method.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 21

Marks: 1
Classes that depend on field names from parent classes are said to be ____ because they are prone to errors.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 22

Marks: 1
A ____ is one of the tiny dots of light that form a grid on your screen.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 23

Marks: 1
In a class method, the ____ reference can be used only with identifiers that are field names.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 24

Marks: 1
A ____ read is an added statement that gets the first input value in a program.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 25

Marks: 1
____ is where a variable’s data type or other information is stored as part of the name.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 26

Marks: 1
When you store data records, they exist in ____.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 27

Marks: 1
A derived class always “____” case or instance of the more general base class.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 28

Marks: 1
Array elements all have the same ____ in common.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 29

Marks: 1
At any moment in time, a variable can hold more than one value.
Incorrect Correct
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 30

Marks: 1
Performing an operation on an icon causes a/an ____.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 31

Marks: 1
A ____ is a temporary detour in the logic of a program.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 32

Marks: 1
Placing a structure within another structure is called ____ structures.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 33

Marks: 1
A unique identifier for a record in a database is often called a ____.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 34

Marks: 1
One way to straighten out an unstructured flowchart segment is to use the “____” method.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 35

Marks: 1
In most programming languages, before an application can use a data file, it must ____.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 36

Marks: 1
When you ask multiple questions before an outcome is determined, you create a ____ condition.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 37

Marks: 1
The concept of a class is useful because of its ____.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 38

Marks: 9
Match each term with a statement below.
The data components of a class that belong to every instantiated object
A program or class that instantiates objects of another prewritten class
The process of acquiring the traits of one’s predecessors
Describes a group or collection of objects with common attributes
The concept that other classes should not alter an object’s attributes—only the methods of an object’s own class should have that privilege
The set of all the values or contents of a class object’s instance variables
Multiple methods with the same name, which will act differently and appropriately when used with different types
The characteristics that define an object as part of a class
The process of combining all of an object’s attributes and methods into a single package
Partially correct
Marks for this submission: 5/9.
Question 39

Marks: 1
As pages in a book have numbers, computer memory and storage locations have ____.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 40

Marks: 1
The sorting process is usually reserved for a relatively large number of data items.
Incorrect Correct
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 41

Marks: 1
Every decision you make in a computer program involves evaluating a Boolean expression.
Correct Incorrect
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 42

Marks: 1
In an event-driven program, you design the screens, define the objects, and define how the screens will connect.
Correct Incorrect
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 43

Marks: 1
The ____ loop provides three actions in one compact statement.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 44

Marks: 1
____ is the ability of a method to act appropriately depending on the context.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 45

Marks: 1
A comparison is correct only when the correct ____ and operator are used.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 46

Marks: 1
The ____ is skewed by a few very high or low values.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 47

Marks: 1
When multiple parameters appear in a method header, they comprise a/an ____.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 48

Marks: 1
You can think of the ____ in a method declaration as a funnel into the method.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 49

Marks: 1
In addition to their attributes, class objects have methods associated with them; every object that is an instance of a class possesses different methods.
Incorrect Correct
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 50

Marks: 1
Programmers use the term “____” to describe programs that are well designed and easy to understand and maintain.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 51

Marks: 1
Most programmers consciously make decisions about cohesiveness for each method they write.
Incorrect Correct
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 52

Marks: 1
With a selection structure, you perform an action or task, and then you perform the next action, in order.
Incorrect Correct
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Question 53

Marks: 1
The true benefit of using an array lies in your ability to use a ____ as a subscript to the array.
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 1/1.
Question 54

Marks: 1
Fill in the blank in the following pseudocode:
if someCondition is true then
do oneProcess
do theOtherProcess
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 0/1.
Marks: 1
Structures can be stacked or connected to one another at their ____.
Choose one answer.
Question 2

Marks: 1
As a general rule, an eof question should always come immediately after an input statement because the end-of-file condition will be detected at input.
Question 3

Marks: 1
From the 1950s, when businesses began to use computers to help them perform many jobs, through the 1970s, almost all interactive dialogues between people and computers took place at the ____.
Choose one answer.
Question 4

Marks: 1
____ refers to how the internal statements of a method serve to accomplish the method’s purpose.
Choose one answer.
Question 5

Marks: 1
____ involves combining two or more files while maintaining the sequential order.
Choose one answer.
Question 6

Marks: 1
All methods require a this reference.
Question 7

Marks: 1
An array is a/an ____ of values in computer memory.
Choose one answer.
Question 8

Marks: 1
The most common way to declare a destructor explicitly is to use an identifier that consists of ____.
Choose one answer.
Question 9

Marks: 1
The following pseudocode is an example of a/an ____ structure.
get number
while number is positive
add to sum
get number
Choose one answer.
Question 10

Marks: 1
The do loop is a variation of the ____ loop.
Choose one answer.
Question 11

Marks: 1
An array whose elements you can access using a single subscript is a/an ____ array.
Choose one answer.
Question 12

Marks: 1
The keyword that is NOT included in a single-alternative selection is ____.
Choose one answer.
Question 13

Marks: 1
Arrays, unlike simple built-in types, are ____.
Choose one answer.
Question 14

Marks: 1
When you ____ records, you store a list of key fields paired with the storage address for the corresponding data record.
Choose one answer.
Question 15

Marks: 1
A ____ allows users to interact with a program in a graphical environment.
Choose one answer.
Question 16

Marks: 1
____ errors are relatively easy to locate and correct because the compiler or interpreter you use highlights every error.
Choose one answer.
Question 17

Marks: 9
Match each item with a statement below.
A decision “inside of” another decision
Used when you must nest a series of decisions about a single variable
Using this operator, each Boolean expression must be true in order for the entire expression to be evaluated as true
if-then-else structure
An expression whose value can be only true or false
When this operator is used, only one of the listed conditions must be met for the resulting action to take place
Part of a decision that executes only when the tested condition in the decision is false
Path that can never be traveled
Will always evaluate to the same result
Question 18

Marks: 1
Providing array values is sometimes called ____.
Choose one answer.
Question 19

Marks: 1
In every popular computer coding scheme, “A” is numerically one greater than “B.”
Question 20

Marks: 1
A calling method sends a/an ____ to a called method.
Choose one answer.
Question 21

Marks: 1
Classes that depend on field names from parent classes are said to be ____ because they are prone to errors.
Choose one answer.
Question 22

Marks: 1
A ____ is one of the tiny dots of light that form a grid on your screen.
Choose one answer.
Question 23

Marks: 1
In a class method, the ____ reference can be used only with identifiers that are field names.
Choose one answer.
Question 24

Marks: 1
A ____ read is an added statement that gets the first input value in a program.
Choose one answer.
Question 25

Marks: 1
____ is where a variable’s data type or other information is stored as part of the name.
Choose one answer.
Question 26

Marks: 1
When you store data records, they exist in ____.
Choose one answer.
Question 27

Marks: 1
A derived class always “____” case or instance of the more general base class.
Choose one answer.
Question 28

Marks: 1
Array elements all have the same ____ in common.
Choose one answer.
Question 29

Marks: 1
At any moment in time, a variable can hold more than one value.
Question 30

Marks: 1
Performing an operation on an icon causes a/an ____.
Choose one answer.
Question 31

Marks: 1
A ____ is a temporary detour in the logic of a program.
Choose one answer.
Question 32

Marks: 1
Placing a structure within another structure is called ____ structures.
Choose one answer.
Question 33

Marks: 1
A unique identifier for a record in a database is often called a ____.
Choose one answer.
Question 34

Marks: 1
One way to straighten out an unstructured flowchart segment is to use the “____” method.
Choose one answer.
Question 35

Marks: 1
In most programming languages, before an application can use a data file, it must ____.
Choose one answer.
Question 36

Marks: 1
When you ask multiple questions before an outcome is determined, you create a ____ condition.
Choose one answer.
Question 37

Marks: 1
The concept of a class is useful because of its ____.
Choose one answer.
Question 38

Marks: 9
Match each term with a statement below.
The data components of a class that belong to every instantiated object
A program or class that instantiates objects of another prewritten class
The process of acquiring the traits of one’s predecessors
Describes a group or collection of objects with common attributes
The concept that other classes should not alter an object’s attributes—only the methods of an object’s own class should have that privilege
The set of all the values or contents of a class object’s instance variables
Multiple methods with the same name, which will act differently and appropriately when used with different types
The characteristics that define an object as part of a class
The process of combining all of an object’s attributes and methods into a single package
Question 39

Marks: 1
As pages in a book have numbers, computer memory and storage locations have ____.
Choose one answer.
Question 40

Marks: 1
The sorting process is usually reserved for a relatively large number of data items.
Question 41

Marks: 1
Every decision you make in a computer program involves evaluating a Boolean expression.
Question 42

Marks: 1
In an event-driven program, you design the screens, define the objects, and define how the screens will connect.
Question 43

Marks: 1
The ____ loop provides three actions in one compact statement.
Choose one answer.
Question 44

Marks: 1
____ is the ability of a method to act appropriately depending on the context.
Choose one answer.
Question 45

Marks: 1
A comparison is correct only when the correct ____ and operator are used.
Choose one answer.
Question 46

Marks: 1
The ____ is skewed by a few very high or low values.
Choose one answer.
Question 47

Marks: 1
When multiple parameters appear in a method header, they comprise a/an ____.
Choose one answer.
Question 48

Marks: 1
You can think of the ____ in a method declaration as a funnel into the method.
Choose one answer.
Question 49

Marks: 1
In addition to their attributes, class objects have methods associated with them; every object that is an instance of a class possesses different methods.
Question 50

Marks: 1
Programmers use the term “____” to describe programs that are well designed and easy to understand and maintain.
Choose one answer.
Question 51

Marks: 1
Most programmers consciously make decisions about cohesiveness for each method they write.
Question 52

Marks: 1
With a selection structure, you perform an action or task, and then you perform the next action, in order.


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