What were the greatest barriers identified for communication and collaboration and what solutions can be utilized to overcome these barriers?

Instructions: Note there are three parts to this assignment
Part One: Interview (2 points)
For each of the teachers, include the following:

  • Name, position, job location (name of school, etc.), years of teaching.
  • Create a bulleted list of the questions you asked of the interviewees, along with key points of their responses to each question (if you asked them both the same questions, be sure to differentiate between their responses).

Part Two: Findings (5 points)
Respond to the following questions, based on your findings from the interview, and use at least two scholarly articles to provide support for your findings:

  • What were the greatest barriers identified for communication and collaboration and what solutions can be utilized to overcome these barriers?
  • How can problem solving strategies be used to promote effective communication and collaboration with stakeholders (e.g., parents, students, other school personnel, resource specialists, and community transition liaisons)?
  • How do the different service delivery models impact collaboration and communication?
  • According to the interviewees, what were the greatest strengths and weaknesses of different service delivery models and what solutions can be utilized to overcome these issues?

Part Three: Reflection (3 points)
Write a two to three paragraph reflection on what you learned from the interviews. Please including the following:

  • Similarities and differences between the two teachers’ responses.
  • Responses that surprised you and why.
  • How your new knowledge will influence your future practices as a special educator.

Written Communication Expectations:

  • Length Requirement (0.25 points): Three to four pages, not including the title and references pages.
  • Syntax and Mechanics (0.25 points): Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar.
  • Source Requirement (0.25 points): Two scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook. All sources on the references page need to be used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment.
  • APA Formatting (0.25 points): Use APA 6th edition formatting consistently throughout the assignment.



Cohen, L. G., & Spenciner, L. J. (2009). Teaching students with mild and moderate disabilities: Research-based practices. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.

This text is a Constellation™ course digital materials (CDM) title.


Meier, J. D. (2011). Five conflict management styles at a glance (Links to an external site.)Sources of Insight. Retrieved from http://sourcesofinsight.com/conflict-management-styles-at-a-glance/

Thomas, K. & Kilmann, R. (N.D.) Thomas Kilmann conflict mode instrument. (Links to an external site.)Retrieved from http://lnu.se/polopoly_fs/1.88249!thomas-kilman-conflict%20english%20original.pdf

wikiHow (n.d.). How to give a feedback sandwich (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from http://www.wikihow.com/Give-a-Feedback-Sandwich

Yu, C. (2014). 10 examples & non-examples of differentiated instruction (Links to an external site.). Teachthought. Retrieved from http://www.teachthought.com/teaching/what-is-differentiated-instruction/


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